于是,我把我了解到的情况跟Marco做了汇报:So far as I know, there are 7 people here working for this factory for more than 10 years. They also brought their relatives. The man who is doing QC there, he and his wife, the lady behind the sewing machine, they have been here for 7 years. They have a 2-year-old daughter. The girl with pony tail, she met her boyfriend in the factory. She told me that she learns a lot from here. She has a chance to become a Sales soon…
出了工厂,Marco告诉我,他很喜欢这家工厂: This is a good factory. It is small, but the factory owner obviously is a good guy. Every body is happy here. I love this factory!
Paul跟他在办公室聊了半天,我则在工厂四处乱转。回来Paul很高兴的跟我说:I like this guy!
Paul说:他确实是一个很闷的人。但是刚才我问他为什么只做这种特殊设计的踢脚线,价格又这么高的时候,他跟我说了他的梦想。他只想做好这一种踢脚线,而且是专门去往北美的。他说他很喜欢琢磨设计,喜欢不断的改进产品。他在说这个的时候,非常的兴奋,眼睛放光。我喜欢跟有梦想的年轻人打交道。He is a good man!